I was so excited to receive this belt pouch. This thing is heavy duty, rugged, beautiful, and best of all made right here in Kentucky in the USA.
This Belt bag was made by Caleb Wooten over at Sleeping Fox Leather. Caleb is a loyal follower of the Drake's Landing Kentucky facebook page and subscriber to this website and that is how him and I met. Realizing we lived just a mile and half from each other, had the same interests in God and the great outdoors, with a shared love of bushcraft, we were bound to become fast friends.
Caleb graciously made me this belt pouch as a gift, but i couldn't let his time or skill go without payment. So in exchange for the belt pouch, I gave Caleb a hand forged tomahawk made by H&B Forge. I am so glad he accepted something for his beautiful work.
In the picture below you can see the contents of the pouch he made for me. It holds a generous amount of gear. I use it for my fire kit.
Contents: Campcraft Outdoors Waxed Canvas Tender Pouch (campcraftoutdoors.com)
Leather Magnifying Lens Pendant with Buck Skin Bag
Pathfinder Mini Inferno Emergency Fire Starters
Bic Lighter in Exotac Fire Sleeve
Flint and Steel Kit in Buck Skin Bag
Smiths Tinder Box
Fire Blowing tube (i think from survivalresources.com)
Sleeping Fox Leather is a new up and coming one man shop. Each piece is made one at a time with hand tools, skill, and patience. Caleb also has a full time day job and family just like I do. I'm excited to see what future products and designs come from Sleeping Fox Leather and I am certain he will be successful in this endeavor. For more information or to contact Caleb for a belt pouch of your own go here: SLEEPING FOX LEATHER FACEBOOK PAGE