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Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis)

AKA Spotted Touch-Me-Not

Entire Jewel Weed Plant
Jewel Weed
Water on Bottom Side of Jewel Weed Leaf
Jewel Weed Leaf
Jewel Weed growing beside Poison Ivy

Botanical Name: Impatiens capensis


Common Names: Jewelweed, Spotted Touch-Me-Not


Time of Year: May- September


Life Cycle: Annual


Plant Family: Balsaminaceae


Environment: Shady moist soils along creeks, rivers, ditches, and bottom lands in woodlands.



Medicinal? : YES


Other Uses:


Parts Used: Leaves, stems, Roots



Method of Preparation:

Leaves and stems crushed and applied topically to skin. Roots can be made into soap.



Jewelweed contains a compound called lawsone that is proven to have anti-inflammatory (swelling) and anti-histamine (itching) properties. Making it a good ally to help with exposure to the oils of the poison ivy plant. Many times jewelweed grows beside or near poison ivy. 


The roots contain saponins making it a natural soap alternative. 




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